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KITT_  103
((Indeed, that Was good. Don't worry about it.)) n_n
Miyu  37 F
Don't apologize. That was good.
Estllin  31 F
Sorry for the random posts flooding the room, my brain was feeling the itch to write and I wanted to stretch my legs with this combat scene with Estllin. >< )
Estllin  31 F
fought not just for her life, but for the memories tied to the watch she carried—for her mother, for the time she had lost, and for the power she had only begun to unlock.
Estllin  31 F
two, but right now, all she cared about was surviving. Every twist of the watch, every pause of time, gave her the edge she needed. Estllin pressed on, her mind sharp and her focus unshakable. With each clash of blades, she -
Estllin  31 F
The fight wasn't over yet, but Estllin could feel her confidence growing. Sweat dripped down her forehead, her legs burned with exertion, but she was relentless. Her snarky inner voice might’ve had a sarcastic quip or -
Estllin  31 F
forward, striking fast and true. Her blade sliced through the gap in her opponent’s armor, and he let out a guttural sound of pain. She withdrew her sword quickly and danced back, avoiding a wild swing from him as he staggered. -
Estllin  31 F
as she plotted her next move, the ticking a reminder of the fragile balance between time and power. With a deep breath, she released the hold on time, and the world roared back into motion. In that split second of restored chaos, Estllin leaped -
Estllin  31 F
flow in her hands, knowing that she couldn’t sustain this for long. Estllin circled her enemy, studying his stance, his armor, and the weaknesses in his movements. Her fingers brushed against her mother’s watch -
Estllin  31 F
he dust in the air hung still, her opponent frozen mid-step, his face twisted in a furious snarl. Time belonged to her now. She stood up straight, feeling the strain of holding the -
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