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Zynoa_Stargold  98 F
laying on it*/ c+ while tugging a blanket around her own body and closes her eyelids for slumber. +Gfn +
Zynoa_Stargold  98 F
"Good night dear friends and family." She softly chimes towards the intercom while straightening to discover another unused couch. Laying in it c+
Zynoa_Stargold  98 F
"Sleep on one of the couches, Skyler." She suggested while leaning in to kiss Tomoe's forehead while tucking a blanket around his body.
Tomoe_  106 M
*Smiling up at his okaasan, The boy then reached to take his plushie, Squeezing it in his arms* "Oyasumi, Goodnight mom, Brother, Skyler and everyone"
Nampi_-_Skittles  F
Zynoa_Stargold  98 F
c+ angling out her right index to tap his nose. "Boop! Good night Loh."
Zynoa_Stargold  98 F
She kneeled close to Tomoe while lovingly mussing with his silvery locs, tucking his bunny plushy behind the bend of his left elbow c+
Lohgrey_Stargold  57
Says prayer, hugs teddy,, nightynight ebryone
Skyler_Barstow  17 F
Skyler_Barstow  17 F
Forehead before her left index lightly tapped his nose, “Boop!” ☺️
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