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Valentino-messin  32 M
My name is Antonio Messi Valentino ok marrisa address me as mr Monrreal
brokencl0cks  29 F
Swiftaliscious  50 M
Blackies dont really have history js
Valentino-messin  32 M
Anyways moving any non caucasian or Blackie wanna talk about history
Madeshka  40 F
Ty punk
Madeshka  40 F
Yes it is karen
Valentino-messin  32 M
🙄🙄 that was a very caucasian thing to say.. C'mon Russia you got this
That ain't oscar
Madeshka  40 F
Cuz I rule the world lmmfao
Valentino-messin  32 M
Marrisa since when you have the authority to give people orders ?
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