Tempting_Zahara's Comments (200) Login | Sign Up
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F seeking M, In a relationship
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I think that's in the job description 🤣 I'm convinced of it. - 15 hours ago
Lucky I don't live close by my friend.. u never worry bout being ignored 💚🌹 - 18 hours ago
Of course I would, I'd even do the same for lil booger n.n❤️ - 19 hours ago
{My condolences for your loss}..🥺 - 19 hours ago
I'd fly all the way to America to take care of you if I had a passport & heaps of money u.u - 19 hours ago
Get a home nurse 🤣 they gonna treat you the same. At least you'll be at home. - 19 hours ago
Breathe, my love. Deep breaths. Center yourself. Death is a part of life. As someone who recently laid on their own deathbed irl, I can tell you, it either will be or won't. Fight for your health. - 19 hours ago
Nothing will ever take the pain away as that part of ur heart will always ache but know u have many angels that watch over u and send u blessings.. always here to talk u 💚 - 20 hours ago
It's called grief, my love. Grief. Profound loss. Shock. Disassociation. All normal. All valid. I'm here for you. I feel these about Amanda all the time. - 20 hours ago
❤️ - Yesterday
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