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*cheeks became a crimson in color as she listened to him* thank you Miss Jade I shall do my best to keep your daddy as well as yourself happy - 1 hour ago
"guess that settles it. It's official" smiles looking at the 2 ladies in his life - 1 hour ago
If it's a contract he has no other choice though Miss Jade or he will put me in a deep sleep. But as I said I will do all I can not to hurt him - 2 hours ago
Now you know Shane wouldn't kill you but I trust you won't - 2 hours ago
or you - 2 hours ago
Sweetheart if I ever hurt your daddy and I will write out a contract if it makes you feel better. If I hurt your daddy you can ask Shane to kill me because that is the last thing I want to do to him C - 2 hours ago
"yes she does make me happy. You make me happy too cuz you made me a father and a better man" - 3 hours ago
Daddie does she make you happy? Cuz long as you happy then I'm happy and it's a yes .. please don't hurt my Daddie tho nana he is all I got really 💚 - 3 hours ago
a promise. And you know I don't break a promise unless I absolutely have too - 3 hours ago
expectially if the kid is you sweetie. I would be honored if you allowed me to share some of your daddy's time though. But the choice is your's. If you say no we shall all still be friends that tis C - 3 hours ago
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