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Sex: Male
Seeking: Female
City: ⛩️TokyoJujutsuHigh⛩️
Country: Japan
Description: Takiyoko Sohma stands at 182.88cm in height and weighs 81.647kg. Silken strands of blonde hue pair with blue oculi. Sohma has a wicked smile, though he is generally quite lighthearted.
Marital Status: Single
Ethnicity: Asian
Height: 5' 7" - 6'
Body Type: Fit & toned
Smoking Habits: Don't smoke
Drinking Habits: Non-drinker
Education: Elementary
Job: Special Grade Jujutsu Sorcerer
Salary: 0-10k
Religion: Atheist
Politics: No interest
Interests Sohma boasts an incredible amount of cursed energy and an even more impressive understanding of its usage. He is very protective of his little sister, Ariya Takiyoko.