Silverwolf_ Login | Sign Up
Sex: Male
Seeking: Female
City: Norman
Region: Oklahoma
Country: United States
Description: C) the poison was a concoction that would stun a enemy apon entry , on silvers arm he wore a gadget that was able to allow him to use a chain to throw with a sharp bladed tip he wore black shoes and black leather
Marital Status: Single
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Height: Over 6'
Body Type: Average
Smoking Habits: Don't smoke
Drinking Habits: Non-drinker
Education: Technical College
Job: Weapon forging
Salary: 80k-100k
Religion: Spiritual
Interests Silver is a hybrid between a wolf a human and a undead bone dragon he is a shapeshifter he grew up learning ways of combat he had silver hair light blue eyes and 2 black stripes down each cheek he is a warrior who -carrys two poisoned blades